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What is EITC? The Pennsylvania legislature enacted and launched Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program in 2001. The program offers corporations tax credit for donating to organizations that support innovation public school program.
Is my business eligible? If your organization does business in Pennsylvania and pays any of several corporate taxes, the answer is YES!
How can I make EITC work for me and my organization? Applicants interested in applying as an Educational Improvement Organization, Scholarship Organization or Pre-K Organization can apply at DCED Center for Business Financing.First visit the dced.pa.gov website for Organizational Guidlines (.pdf). The application process is listed there.
How EITC works? Tax credits equal to 75% of your contribution up to a maximum of $750,000 per taxable year. Can be increased to 90% of your contribution, if your business agrees to provide the same amount for two consecutive tax years
Call: 717- 787- 7120 or Email: to know more about EITC!