Murals and Mosaics
The murals and mosaic project are designed by ACH to revitalize the Hill District Community. Youth and Community engaged in quality public art design which creates an inviting, enjoyable & creative community space that also has historically significant to the neighborhood and region.
Academic Arts Out of School Program
Our out-of-school program provides youth grades k-8 with 180 hours of academic tutoring and 60 hours of artistic programming per year. Two cohort sessions are held September to December and January to June Monday – Thursday from 2:00pm – 6:00pm. ACH partners with the City of Pittsburgh, Child, and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) which provides participants with a hot meal and snack. The target population for this program are youth who primarily reside in the Hill District neighborhood of Pittsburgh but open to all youth from all communities in the Pittsburgh area.
The Artistic Program includes majors such as visual arts, theater, dance, music, spoken word and poetry, digital media, and martial arts. Youth can choose their most preferred major and engage within the cohort and showcase their talent for family members, community resident and founders.
Creative Camp
Creative Camp provides youth with 60 hours of intense artistic programming Monday -Thursday 8:30am – 5pm. Youth participate in programs such as dance, music, and theater, visual art as well as field trips and swimming everyday weather permits. Youth showcase their talents and artwork of our public art murals and mosaics are displayed on buildings in the Hill District.
ACH partners with the City of Pittsburgh, Child, and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) which provides breakfast and lunch for youth who attend creative camp. ACH also provides snacks at the end of each day during creative camp.
Senior Art and Wellness
ACH Clear Pathways offers Senior Arts and Wellness Program. Three 6-week sessions (Fall, Spring, Summer) and seniors attend twice a week during the 6-week sessions. Seniors participate in a showcase event(s). Programming consist of sound and healing, including uplifting music and mindfulness/drumming. ACH offers the program at the Kaufmann Center for seniors who attend programming at the facility multiple times per week. ACH also partners with several local senior living facilities to offer the program at the facilities.
Jessica Lee and ViveVenture assist in the design of the sound healing program offered by ACH Clear Pathways, including the hiring of music professionals to teach in the program, and training new trainers for the program. The programming offers in-person, virtually, or a combination of both. Being able to offer programming virtually allows any future pandemic restrictions to be met. It also provides the opportunity for world-renown artists, whether located in Pittsburgh or not, to teach in the program.
This program has an economic development impact on the artist community by providing opportunities for artists to participate in the program and earn honorariums.
Community Art Jam Sessions
Local and National Artists bring back the entertainment flare once known for in the Hill District City of Pittsburgh. Join us for the yearly series of music entertainment, food and drinks! For more info contact 412-815-0271

ACH has collaborated with licensed psychologists, educators, Juvenile Court officers and others to design the ACH R.E.A.C.H. program to provide an atmosphere conducive to promoting Positive Youth Development.
R.E.A.C.H. is a program that will provide cultural and artistic outlets combined with resources and support for non-offending youth. Artistic activities such as music, visual arts, theatre, poetry and/or spoken word, Media art and dance will be made available.
The ACH R.E.A.C.H. PROGRAM was designed to serve families who want their children to REACH their highest potential, even in the midst of family crisis! Have one or more children in your household been referred to the Juvenile Court system? Are there other siblings in the household? The primary focus of families during these painful periods is to learn how to navigate the court system and to provide financial and legal support for the delinquent child/children. But what about the siblings? ACH is here to help! Non-delinquent siblings and first-time juvenile offenders must have the opportunity to experience Positive Youth Development, which encompasses positive experiences, positive relationships, and positive environments.